Thursday 11 October 2018


LCC and Election TWO great letters concerning the concerns of ratepayers and difference in councils (The Examiner, October 2) dated by Mr Geoff Smedley and Rob Kenna regarding waste and greed by the LCC. ............. As a ratepayer of Launceston I cannot believe the money that was spent and wasted by the Launceston City Council. ............. If this was a private business, the doors would have shut well and truly by now. Mr Rob McKenna talks about bike lanes up Westbury Rd ($400,000), spare a thought for the supposed great bike lanes in Normanstone Road, a similar amount. I didn't know how to get into my driveway with all the white lines. But after complaints from people, another huge amount was spent grinding the white lines off. If any other council is considering a merger, I suggest be very wary and wait until we have new new councillors, a new Mayor. ............. This council needs renewing, not recycling. The malls - one is as barren as the other is cluttered . Playgrounds - thousands on playgrounds. The over spend on all of their projects makes me suspicious . Have your say people. ............. Steve Rogers, South Launceston

Mayor candidates Reading the article in The Examiner about Launceston’s mayoral candidates, I was disappointed but not surprised that not one of them mentioned fixing our city’s ailing infrastructure. ............. As for Alan Harris’s suggestion to meddle with the Gorge, its greatest asset is that it is unspoiled and a natural and delightful part of our city and should not be interfered with. ............. By the way, I liked Basil Fitch’s offer to not claim any remuneration. Perhaps all councillors should do the same. ............. Richard Hill, Newstead

Launceston council elections............. WHY should I vote for a name and face on a sign or handout? ............. I don’t know you. You haven’t knocked on my door to listen to my concerns. ............. All I hear is city, city, city. What about the Suburbs? ............. What about the decades ago proposed eastern bypass to replace the council approved defacto eastern bypass using suburban roads and streets? ............. What about tackling the fast food packaging that litterers throw from their cars? What about the trip hazard ridden suburban footpaths? What about the microscopic dust that covers our cars, residences and which we breathe? ............. Dennis Camplin, Ravenswood.

EDITOR'S NOTE: There is growing evidence that Launcestonians are getting the message that this Council is like a blocked toilet that needs a bloody good flush. There is one in the mix who has been trying to be accountable but is swimming against the tide with this council, with all the crap in it!  It's analogous to swimming in the Tamar. 

He can be excused for choosing the sidelines against such odds. However, hold the Mayor accountable now! Heaven forbid that we might suggest to you who to vote for but we can implore you to use social media and do some research and be very very critical.  think about it, we're likely to have the next lot for 4 years UNLESS someone sees the light and the State Govt has an inquiry into Local Govt. in Tasmania. Vote carefully!

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