Wednesday 3 October 2018


It really is astonishing to see the Mayor's Facebook for his campaign and you do have to wonder where he has been this for yeas just gone. Nothing seems to have touched him least of all the ratepayers' and business people's wishes and desires.

He and presumably his fellow aldermen seems to think for whatever  reason:

  1. The University of Tasmania Relocation to Ineresk is a first order issue for his constituents yet go to their Facebook and its all about Hobart.
  2. The City Heart Project is the key to the city's future.
  3. That the city's "Northern Suburbs" outstrip all the rest in importance.
  4. The City Deal is going to solve all the city's problems.
Moreover he is peddling the idea that these priorities are the most important in planning a vibrant and liveable regional city that is loosing population to almost anywhere else as Tasmania's population grows and Australia's explodes.. Has he lost the plot? Was he ever in possession of it or was all this stuff a bunch of ideas, someone else's, that he has swallowed lock, stock and barrel and given the Mayoral "fantastic" tick to. If so, it's a bit of a worry.

If he thinks that he has played a part in "positioning Launceston as one of Australia’s most liveable and innovative regional cities .–with stability " It would be just as well he didn't out and about more than he does as he'd see, on the ground, that the world out there is not like that ... al all!

Then he tells us that he has made it his  "life’s purpose to serve the City of Launceston", and goes on to ask all those he has serially disappointed vis his so-called leadership to support him in retaining his Mayoral chains at the local government elections.


1 comment:

  1. These numpties are the reason that Launceston is slowly dying and the residents are doing it tough. Council is the wealthiest in Tas because they're spending more of the citizens' money which is the same reason that the citizens are so poor. As an election guide, don't vote for anyone up for re-election...just don't OK?
