Monday 8 October 2018


This is one of those occasions when what is being wondered about is what you can get away with whilst chasing your prize. Potter Stewart says "ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do." And, then there is William E. Gladstone who tells us that "justice delayed is justice denied." And then the Bible tells us “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive"... 1 Corinthians 10:23

Very quickly we discover that 'the law is an ass' as Dickens is oft quoted saying so. Election signs  – the coreflutes – are popping up all over as if there is no reason as to why they should not and that it is some kind of 'free-for-all'..

Of course there are  constraints and all it takes is a phone call to Town Hall and you can have it all explained to you in vivid detail. If you are 'an incumbent' the word apparently is 'put them up and by the time anybody complains they will have done their work' – that is how this thing works apparently!

On the other hand if you are a 'new player', well you are going to have to play by the rules because you will be told that you must. If the credibility gap is 'ginormous' do not worry that's just the way of the world.

By now those in Launceston who are curious about who are the 'serious players' in the council game –those seeking the income in the main – will know who they are and mostly it'll be the incumbents relying on 'the regulations police' looking the other way if they want an easy/easier life 'going forward'. 

The most interesting thing about these signs, and where they are placed, is the underlying subliminal messaging that is going on. They are typically placed on property where the owner wants, or may want in future, to curry favour with Council and/or a candidate. More to the point the positioning of signs, how many and how they look, send out all kinds of messages about 'who has the pull' and yet it tells you very little, in most cases, about 'who you will be able to trust to represent you'– for that you are going to have to look elsewhere and very hard. 

There is no doubt that the signage is repulsive and little more than 'visual pollution' albeit that this signage is destined to disappear – but not quickly enough.Yet the perpetrators will pull the political rabbit out of their hat as they do in the 'NO JUNK MAIL' plea on letter boxes ... 'its not junk/pollution ... its important information'. 

However, you'd think that the Mayor would not only know the rules and likewise be alert to, and be respectful of the regulations, and the values they apparently seek to engender... but it seems no!

Anyway, in a 21st Century context these 'coreflutes' are a rather dumb 'yesterday strategy' belonging to 'yesterday people'– people bereft of an idea. As for embracing 'new paradigms' and being able to see ahead, and taking those they claim they want to lead along a different road, forget that idea.

Interestingly, two candidates have chosen to go without these 'coreflutes' and to get with the 21st Century program this election. Next time there is a strong possibility that this strategy will be seen as dumb and'old hat'.

By comparison and contrast this election will tell us something as a consequence of all this and especially so as the 21st Century finally kicks in with its disruptive technologies etc.

So, let us see what happens between now and when the electors' voting papers arrive in the post and the results are broadcast on people's 'devices'. In the meantime it seems that some candidates might well be scurrying around taking down signage given that the regulations were made 'crystal clear' at today's meeting at Town Hall.

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