Wednesday 3 October 2018


LETTER TO EXAMINER Parking prices, city changes ‘disappointing’

The paucity of parking adjacent to the Launceston General Hospital and again the cost of parking. Then there is the anxiety caused by “meter watching”. It is very disappointing for those of us who love our city “Lonnie” to see this sad decline, and to see closed businesses. ...............  Even our previously lovely malls have been remodelled beyond recognition. Parking prices, city changes ‘disappointing’ ......... In particular, our lovely old Civic Square, it is now a concrete jungle. ............... Why? ............... It was the old and gorgeous streetscape, malls and parks that made Launceston such a beautiful city, leaving Hobart for dead. ............... Now, however, we appear to have some young blood. ............... A town planner/engineer/architect whoever, who has a view of a “modern” city that needed a shake to bring it into the 21st century. ............... But like all young bloods, it was all about modernising. ............... There was little or no thought for the beauty already existing in our lovely city, which was the draw card for so many people. ............... It is hardly surprising then, that businesses are suffering. ............... People can go out to surrounding areas with free parking and all the amenities required. ............... Then there would be no problems with meter watching. ............... People could enjoy a lovely relaxing coffee and have all the time needed to shop in most good quality shops. ............... The city council needs to seriously consider the vandalism to our lovely malls. ............... They also need to take a very serious look at the cost of parking. ............... Perhaps take back the responsibility for car parking and make it free. ............... Mary T. Bates, Exeter.

Elections ............... With local council elections looming, I do hope that candidates entering local politics are interested in standing up for the good of the ratepayers and not simply for self aggrandisement and ego boosting like some of their federal counterparts. ......... Richard Hill, Newstead.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Well, well, well Mary you've hit the nail fair and square BUT not on the head. Speculatively, you blaming town planner/engineer/architect whoever is a tad unfair. It's actually our elected representatives who have briefed these people via the OPERATIONAL MANAGEMENT who employ these people to carry out what THEY think. 

When they're BLOWins they a beyond being told/advised of anything and when the elected representatives lack the wherewithal to take them on, well you get bureaucratic mayhem. 

All too often the elected representatives abdicate their 'representational role' and quickly move into the self-service allowance collecting role. You know when this is happening because they'll be meeting in 'closed council' or 'workshop' making decision mode well away from the public gaze.

In the end it all comes down to accountability and transparency and over time, 4 years, it turns out the representatives are persuaded to sit back and become passive observers rather than proactive players. SO, be alert and alarmed and maintain your vigilance.

Now Richard, the alternative to all this is to elect people who can demonstrate a commitment to transparency and accountability. Scrutinise you candidates very, very carefully people!

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