Sunday 8 November 2020


At the conference, it is rumoured that Tasmania’s Liberal elder statesmen et al are starting to pay close attention to the goings on in the City of Launceston and it is not before time. 

The shenanigans going on behind closed doors, in camera and in the dark beggars belief. Yet that wartime cry that goes 'loose lips sink ships' might not be directly applicable but somehow it comes to mind.

Yet, the ship of state might be at risk in these 'difficult times'.

Launceston's mayor has not been in a good mood in recent times and he has been all over the place in the press saying this and something else next time. However, rumours about 'dummy spitting' are totally unsubstantiated, that's going on in Washington not Launceston.

Why the council is on its path to move the city's 'transit station' at great expense is a mystery. But being so cock sure of your plans is again turning out, it is said, to be yet another folly filled exercise that is said to be costing close to a $1Million without access to the land and with well perhaps that that is something for the future.

Around the. dinner tables, water coolers and coffee counters, councillors, and conference attenders, are being chatted about and nobody knows anything except all the names of those out of favour and others who are, it is said, cannot or should not be invited .... anywhere.

Then there are those who are 'not solid enough' but it'd be a good idea to look closer to home for leaks let alone on the battle front on Hobart's water font. Isn't that where leaking boats get to be parked ready for repair?

1 comment:

  1. It must be time that the City Council stopped fiddling around with business ventures it doesn't seem to understand. Is it always the same councillor or the same general manager - oh sorry, CEO - that gets some crazy idea into his head or is it a shared activity and they all run with it in the futile hope that it will vibrate (bring vibrancy to) the CBD. The bus transit station is a case in point. It won't add anything to the CBD - the buses already stop in various parts of the CBD. What will be the point of forcing all the buses along a single one-way street as they all arrive at and depart from the same intended Transit centre location, with the added need to cross lanes to head off to the right street to head towards suburbs. So if this crazy thought bubble gets off the ground, and if the Council succeeds in its bullying and compulsorily acquires the Birchall's car park land from the current owner whether he/she likes it or not, then each suburban bus that currently stops at its own dedicated CBD bus stop with minimum travel around the CBD, will be forced to travel a few extra blocks along one-way streets to reach the 'transit' station. So more time on the road for buses, greater use of fuel, reduced private vehicle parking... - another own goal mockery of the Council's own climate emergency claim in 2019.
