Monday 12 October 2020

Launceston's Mayor Albert van Zetten sees the light but will he do anything?

If Mayor Albert van Zetten's 
words in the Examiner Thursday 8 Oct are anything to go by, it looks like he has had an epiphany on flood risk and flood levees - floods can happen and they will! 

Now that the mayor has seen the light, ratepayers would be interested to know why has he been such a strong supporter of the scam by UTas to move its campus to the area of high risk, when it is already on safe ground well above any flood risk and with all its facilities and appropriate traffic management. 

UTas has applied to build right next to the levee where the North Esk river bank is at its most unstable. A levee failure or breach at that spot would look like this photo - there goes UTas, down the drain. 

Council must stop this relocation madness and look to the Newnham campus. 

Basil Fitch, ex-alderperson with a long and sound memory is stating the bleeding obvious here! Why don’t the Council see it?

Wouldn't we all like to know the answer to that. 

Some of the then aldermen who were BIG supporters right from 2015 were Hugh McKenzie, Janie Finlay, Albert Van Zetten, and the one who went to Hobart, Darren Alexander.

Basil Fitch says on his facebook ..."they all fell for the lies of then general manager, Dobrzunski and UTas disgrace Peter Rathjen (one of the biggest liars and con artist of all it turns out) without bothering to listen to anything from any ratepayer or resident had to say

Most of what ratepayers had to say was evidence based, not ideologically or profit driven, but why should/would this team of UTas sycophants be inclined to pay any attention.

 An absolute disgrace!

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