Thursday 8 November 2018


From around the traps:
Some time ago, the university rowing club in Launceston was almost non-existent and UTAS shut it down in the end. North Esk RC absorbed their members. But as we know, there's been a strange revival with the talk of a 'rowing precinct' near North Esk club (NERC) and St Pat's boat sheds and their pontoons. All sneakily organised behind the scenes between LCC and Rowing Tasmania, a body seriously disliked and despised by the clubs around the state. But there was no mention of Utas at that stage. Well we all knew there would be a link somewhere, just a matter of where and when - well here is!!

The issue at the moment is that UTAS is trying to steal elite and Div 1 and 2 rowers who are studying through UTAS from NERC and Tamar. They’ve been offered free memberships, free race fees AND all expenses paid when travel for regattas - including interstate. There is NO WAY the clubs can compete with that. Which raises 2 questions: is it anti competitive behaviour and within ACCC and are UTAS rowing South or other UTAS sports reps / teams being offered same?" (received message 2 October)

So just what is Utas up to in the rowing area in the north? Yes, UTAS is building a rowing club and buying sculls at a ? price.

And according to the Tas Uni Boat Club (TUBC) Face Book page:- "providing rowing opportunities for the University’s Northern and Southern campuses. TUBC is a boat club located at New Town Bay Rowing Centre in Hobart and in the near future the Launceston Rowing precinct. The club caters for all age groups, from junior rowers to masters and for all levels of experience. TUBC is affiliated with the University of Tasmania".

So that's a link between LCC and the rowing precinct plan and UTAS! Nothing to do with the wishes of existing clubs or community, or any benefit to rowing. And obviously no consideration has been given to the boat congestion etc at and around the pontoons between the Charles St bridge and the pedestrian bridge.

What Fools!

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