Tuesday 25 September 2018


At last the field of runners is known and Town Hall will undoubtedly be bracing itself for the next era with the old one fading away into the sunset. For four years this crop of alderpeople have become rather comfortable in their seats around the table but today it is revealed that their seats are indeed coveted. Yet, the incumbents see themselves as 'stayers' and they have all put their hands up for the maintenance of the status quo. However, it seems that they may well have already done enough to brown-off a great many of their constituents.

Interestingly there is a field of 32 and that may mean that this lot has done something to more than 'brown-off' the electorate. Some are saying "pissed off" is probably a more accurate way to describe  the outcome of this bunch of alderpeople's achievements. Whatever, we will soon see just who gets a chance to dip their euphemistic snouts in the 'civic trough'.

In Launceston, 'TOWN HALL' has become an expletive in the local vernacular but typically it has
a particular descriptive word before it when in use, and usually, it is followed by a couple more expletives. It is probably like this the world over yet close to home there are nuances that enrich almost every aspect of city life conversations that tend to echo well into the hinterlands.

As the lights fade, the chairs around the table get brushed off, and the cold draft swirls around the incumbents feet, it will be a little time yet before the obituaries are to be written. Likewise, there will be valedictory speeches to be given as families and others prepare to spend more time going wherever and doing whatever it is one does at times like this.

Anyway, clear the decks for the mud slinging ahead as this 'election' is likely to turn out to be a rather noisy business.                                                                                                                                                   
About a year ago the omnipresent Basil Fitch declared that "at the next election there must be at least 24 viable candidates for council." It seems that he may well have got his wish but the betting is that he is as surprised as anyone that it is actually 32. So too, will the incumbents be surprised if not stunned.

The field is bigger than the Melbourne Cup's but there we go the bookies are going to have a 'Field Day'.  The candidates scrutineers will very likely to be sporting headaches as the electoral people do their stuff. Hold on to your hats people!

Ray Norman
Researcher & Cultural Geographer

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