
Sunday 18 August 2019


In response to Launceston Council declaring a ‘Climate Change Emergency’ it seems that I have been joined in my incredulity. 

Councillor Dawkins’ deep sadness about the Arctic bushfires and M. Chugg’s response and then the somewhat incredulous ‘political brain fart’ that is on the record at Town Hall is bewildering and at multiple levels. 

In both cases the question that goes begging, prefaced by multiple expletives is, what next? 

The message from Town Hall is that the issue done and dusted, and we are back to business as usual.

Indeed, anyone who has been engaged at any level with issues such as climate change, environmental degradation, plastics pollution, etc. has enough evidence already to know that looking away is the default position politically. 

Hollow rhetoric is just what it is, vain posturing in the hope of remaining firmly attached to the political money pot. 

A little while ago Launceston Town Hall had a plan to have a reconciliation plan that is now hiding out in a bottom drawer somewhere. 

Goodness gracious, just what is coming next from the seriously deluded to bewilder us?

Ray Norman, Launceston


Examiner Letter - Climate Change .......... IN response to a recent letter from M. Chugg (The Examiner, August 12) I am saddened to report that the fires in the Arctic are no beat up........... Articles from Forbes, Smithsonian, The Guardian, The Independent and Bloomberg all agree that the Arctic fires, which can be seen from space, are unprecedented and caused by climate disruption and accelerated by human activity........... M. Chugg's incredulity in considering the possibility fires in the Arctic, in a way, highlights the sense in City Of Launceston unanimously supporting the Climate Emergency Motion........... None of us are anything but stunned at the speed climate change is having an effect and we all wish it wasn't so. .......... Andrea Dawkins, City of Launceston councillor..

 Examiner Letter - Climate Change  .......... IS there no end to the garbage written by the climate alarmists? .......... In 1990 we were assured that the Maldives would be underwater by 2000, followed by Tuvalu in the Pacific. .......... For several years we were assured Arctic ice would disappear this summer or next. .......... But the Maldives are still above water, Tuvalu has grown, the Arctic ice has never disappeared in summer. .......... Predictions of endless droughts in Australia were followed by a series of floods. Predictions of increases in hurricanes have failed. .......... An article given prominence by Gabrielle Byrne (The Examiner, August 5) wrote of "unprecedented bushfires in the Arctic".How could a newspaper wishing to present itself as a source of reliable information publish such garbage - bushfires in the Arctic? .......... Deborah Lynch complains of denying the advice of 98 per cent of the world's scientists (The Examiner, August 6). The claim that 98 per cent of scientists are agreed we are facing a climate disaster is one of the greatest lies ever produced and, like every other claim made by the climate alarmists, simply fails to stand up to intelligent scrutiny. .......... Thanks to the partisan attitude of The Examiner, none of its readers will have any knowledge of the case taken by Peter Ridd against his former employer, University of Queensland, after he was dismissed by daring to dispute the position of the university on damage to the Barrier Reef. .......... M. Chugg, Prospect.

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