Friday, 29 March 2019

#3 QUESTION: Marketing, Development, Public Order & Safety issues in City of Launceston Budget

#3  Mayor van Zette tells us that "[he] encourages all ratepayers to read over the budget proposal and make a submission to our engagement process. It's important that, as a Council, we understand what matters to the community," We are doing so and posting questions as people in the network raise an issue.

To support a citizens review process the following questions arise relative "Cultural Funding"

QUESTIONS – Given the budget allocation of $7.9Million or approx $151K per week that is largely funded from rate demands:
  1. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time in this area of activity overall and within the aegis of the 'Cultural Unit'?
  2. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time at the QVMAG?
  3. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time Princess Theatre?
  4. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time in Cultural Unit?
  5.  Given that the  QVMAG BUDGET represents something in the order of 5.5% [ $6.2Mil] of the city's recurrent budget, how does this component of 'the cultural spend' compare with comparable cities elsewhere? 
  6. Similarly, how does Launceston's total 'cultural spend' [$7,9 Mil ... 7%]  – plus $644K events spend – compare with comparable jurisdictions elsewhere in Australia.
  7. Given that the Cultural Unit has been envisioned as a 'purposeful operation', going forward what are current outcomes that would be its measures of success in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years 5 years?
  8. Given the additional $400K plus in the QVMAG'S recurrent budget allocation and the proposed $5.3K Capital expenditure, what are the anticipatable and measurable outcome flowing from this expenditure?
  9. What specific  'productivity dividends' can be expected for cultural outputs in the Municipality as a consequence of the implementation of the 'Cultural  Unit' and other efficiencies being implemented? How and when are the 'dividends' going to be accessed and by whom?
  10.  What grant funds and/or sponsorships going forward are being sought in this area for cultural production, publications and/or research, and from whom?
  11. What research projects are currently in place and when is it anticipated that there will be an outcome or interim report?
  12. What strategies are in place, and anticipated, towards developing incoming generative initiatives via, or by, the city's cultural producers et al via the 'Cultural Unit'.
  13. Given the relative magnitude of the proposed operational budget/s what is the proposed reporting schedule to Council?

Please Respond to  :Treva Alen <>

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