
Tuesday 22 December 2015

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Accountability

Shadow Attorney General has won his case against Attorney General George Brandis refusal to release his ministerial diary , as the case was a personal one the Attorney General could be faced with legal costs that could run into the 10,000 ,s dollars that he could be personal liable for. 

Should the Attorney General appeal the judgement and loses the appeal, this judgement has serious ramifications and elected representatives will be held more accountable. 

State and local government bodies will be held more accountable under (The Freedom of Information Act .) 

Brian P. Khan Newstead

COMMENT: We need to be mindful of the ways all this bumps all the way down the line. Mark Dreyfus is defending a much misunderstood principle.  This is something that could also apply to council managers, mayors and aldermen. As they say "watch this space."

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