Sunday, 23 June 2019

City of Launceston Transparency And Accoutability

Finally, after multiple attempts to receive answers to a series of questions relevant to 'cultural funding' within the City of Launceston these responses are now on the record and on a Council Agenda – albeit that any discussion relative to the responses seems unlikely

There are other questions outstanding that the Launceston Concerned Citizens Network have put to Council and they are on record on this site – [Link] • [Link] and here  [Link]. 

There has been considerable resistance in regard to providing this relatively straight forward information – information that should be on the public record and relatively available. 

The responses below are arguably inadequate and consequently seem to demonstrate that Launceston's Council operation maintains a default position of automatic confidentiality – a position reinforced by SECTION 62 and used in ways that mitigate against 'accountability and transparency'.


COUNCIL MINUTES Thursday 30 May 2019 P/49 19

ITEMS 19.1 Proposed Budget 2019/2020 Consultation Reponses

AUTHOR: Paul Gimpl (Chief Financial Officer) 
DIRECTOR: Louise Foster (Director Corporate Services)
DECISION STATEMENT: To consider the 2019/2020 Budget public consultation process and the responses submitted. RECOMMENDATION: That Council: 1. receives and agrees on responses to the submissions received, as follows: (a) Mr Ian Routley (b) Mr Ted Sands (c) Treva Alen (x3) 2. notes that the Council Meeting of 13 June 2019 is the intended date on which the budget will be adopted and the rate will be set. Ms L Foster (Director Corporate Services) and Mr P Gimpl (Chief Financial Officer) were in attendance to answer questions of Council in respect of this

Agenda Item. Mr Ted Sands spoke to the Recommendation

DECISION: 30 May 2019 MOTION Moved Councillor D H McKenzie, seconded Councillor J Finlay.
That the Motion, as per the Recommendation to Council, be adopted.
  1. Mayor Councillor A M van Zetten,
  2. Deputy Mayor Councillor D C Gibson,
  3. Councillor J Finlay,
  4. Councillor A E Dawkins,
  5. Councillor N D Daking,
  6. Councillor D H McKenzie,
  7. Councillor K P Stojansek,
  8. Councillor P S Spencer,
  9. Councillor J G Cox,
  10. Councillor A G Harris and
  11. Councillor T G Walker
NB: T Alen is the 'email network communications coordinator' for LCC NEWS [!

The following questions (typed as received), submitted to Council in writing on 6 June 2019 by Mr Ray Norman, have been answered by Mr Michael Stretton (General Manager). It should be noted that these same questions were submitted under another name (Treva Alen) as part of the Council's 2019/2020 Annual Plan and Budget Consultation process and were answered at the Council Meeting dated 30 May 2019. Given that the questions have been re-submitted, further responses are provided below:

Given the proposed budget allocation of $7.9Million or approx. $151K per week that is largely funded from rate demands:

1. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time in this area of activity overall and within the aegis of the Cultural Unit'?

Response: The Cultural Unit includes one employee who reports directly to the Director Creative Arts and Cultural Services. The main purpose of the unit has been the development of the Council's inaugural Cultural Strategy.

2. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time at the QVMAG?

Response: The QVMAG has an employment status of 27 full-time and 36 part-time employees (46.8 full-time equivalents).

3. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time Princess Theatre?

Response: The Princess Theatre has an employment status one fulltime employee.

4. How many staff are employed full-time and part-time in Cultural Unit?

Response: The Cultural Unit has an employment status of one employee.

5. Given that the QVMAG BUDGET represents something in the order of 5.5% [ $6.2Mil] of the city's recurrent budget, how does this component of 'the cultural spend' compare with comparable cities elsewhere?

Response: The Council's services and structure in the Creative Arts and Cultural Services Directorate are unique and it is not possible to directly compare and contrast against other Councils in this respect. That said, the Council benchmarks itself against Tasmanian and mainland Councils across its overall function. The Council reports its performance in annual reports, both specifically for the QVMAG and for the overall Council itself.

6. Similarly, how does Launceston's total 'cultural spend' [$7,9 Mil ... 7%] – plus $644K events spend – compare with comparable jurisdictions elsewhere in Australia.

Response: The Council's services and structure in the Creative Arts and Cultural Services Directorate are unique and it is not possible to directly compare and contrast against other Councils in this respect. That said, the Council benchmarks itself against Tasmanian and mainland Councils across its overall function. The Council reports its performance in annual reports, both specifically for the QVMAG and for the overall Council itself.

7. Given that the Cultural Unit has been envisioned as a 'purposeful operation', going forward what are current outcomes that would be its measures of success in 1 year, 2 years, 3 years 5 years?

Response: The outcomes of the Cultural Unit will be refined following the completion of the Cultural Strategy later this year. Once the Cultural Strategy has been completed a more specific and detailed work plan will be developed for the Cultural Unit.

8. Given the additional $400K plus in the QVMAG'S recurrent budget allocation and the proposed $5.3K Capital expenditure, what are the anticipatable and measurable outcome flowing from this expenditure?

Response: The additional expenditure is largely related to the audit and digitisation of the collection, which will commence in 2019/2020. This will be the first audit of the collection, which has occurred in the history of the institution.

9. What specific 'productivity dividends' can be expected for cultural outputs in the Municipality as a consequence of the implementation of the 'Cultural Unit' and other efficiencies being implemented?  How and when are the 'dividends' going to be accessed and by whom?

Response: Local Government Councils do not pay dividends and it is not proposed that the Cultural Unit will alter this. The Unit will create the Cultural Strategy which will provide an overarching framework to guide the future direction of the City's cultural entities and assets.

10. What grant funds and/or sponsorships going forward are being sought in this area for cultural production, publications and/or research, and from whom?

Response: The priorities for grant funding and/or sponsorship applications will be determined following the completion of the Cultural

11. What research projects are currently in place and when is it anticipated that there will be an outcome or interim report?

Response: The Unit is currently in the process of completing the Cultural Strategy, which has involved a significant amount of public engagement and research.

12. What strategies are in place, and anticipated, towards developing incoming generative initiatives via, or by, the City's cultural producers, et al via the 'Cultural Unit'.?

Response: It is highly likely that there will be a range of positive economic outcomes as a consequence of actions arising from the Cultural Strategy. However, income generation in not a primary motivation of the strategy or the Cultural Unit.

13. Given the relative magnitude of the proposed operational budget/s what is the proposed reporting schedule to Council?

Response: Progress against the Annual Plan and budget is reported to the Council on a quarterly basis.

Questions on Notice - Mr Ray Norman - Cultural Unit and Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery - 6 June 2019 City of Launceston COUNCIL AGENDA Thursday 27 June 2019

Wednesday, 12 June 2019