Thursday, 22 December 2016

Getting A Big Heritage Tick In Launceston/Tasmania

"Launceston’s infamous CH Smith site is a step closer to revival with the Tasmanian Heritage Council giving developers Errol Stewart and Scott Curran’s plans the tick of approval.
The pair discussed their vision with board members of the Heritage Council in Hobart on Wednesday.
“I understand that within about an hour they had called us to say that they had approved it, so they were pretty impressed with what we had presented,” Mr Stewart said.
“Now it’s back to Launceston City Council to make a determination, which I am pretty sure that they will do at the next council meeting, hopefully in the positive.”
The development application has been advertised for public comment and Mr Stewart said it had received a number of representations.
“At this stage approval has been given by the Heritage Council for our plans as presented, so now council will consider that at the next meeting and hopefully if they give us the green light then we will be good to go unless anybody takes us to appeal,” Mr Stewart said."
EDITOR'S NOTE: To put this story into context it needs to be understood that representations to the Heritage Council and  Launceston Council closed at the end of the day December 20 and the HeritageCouncil, according to this story, had made its decision before linch the very next day. 
This seems both fast and hasty and it seems a fair question to ask, just how carefully has this body of decision makers considered ALL the submissions made to it? What submissions were made about what?
We might well consider this "R v Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy ([1924] 1 KB 256, [1923] All ER Rep 233) is a leading English case on the impartiality and recusal of judges. It is famous for its precedence in establishing the principle that the mere appearance of bias is sufficient to overturn a judicial decision. It also brought into common parlance the oft-quoted aphorism "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done"
However in the current age of deeming that might well be a redundant concept or at least an idea that's adhered to 'somewhere else'! It couldn't have passed its use by date could it??

Contact Them
Heritage Tasmania
GPO Box 618
Hobart TAS 7000

Saturday, 17 December 2016


There is an apparent need for communities to initiate solution to their problems and issues in ways that fit their circumstances. 

It is increasingly obvious that communities themselves need to be a part of 'the solution' to the problems they themselves identify.

Rather than have solutions imposed upon them by governments, regulators, authorities, organisations, administrations, etc. communities need to be empowered to work together plus interact cooperatively and collaboratively.

Communities, that is ‘community organisations’, charities, activist groups, social networks, community clubs, etc., need to come together and establish a networks of networks .
These networks, once established, could work towards communities finding solutions to problems they identify and prioritise.

With prospective solutions to hand they will be empowered to hold their elected representatives to account.

Can you identify a community problem in need of a solution? Are you interested in becoming a part of such a solution oriented network?

For More Information eMAIL:

Friday, 9 December 2016

THE-TRUE-STORY According To Basil Fitch


Over at Tassie Times there is a bit of stoush going on with a couple of 'commentators' taking Lonnie's council to task.

Basil Fitch has come out for Christmas with a present of 'the truth' for anyone who wants to know it. 

The entire exchange is worth reading in that just about all the issues are explored together in ways that, as likely as not, they are not being looked at by Launceston's 'Alderpeople'.

The Council is clearly at 'sixes and sevens' while all the time fumbling around trying to stay below the radar. It is increasingly clear that it is so. The bit that is not being considered all that often is that it is the Local Govt. Act that is not serving Tasmanians well. Launceston Council is just a carbuncle on the backside that is aggravating and annoying those people looking for some accountability. 

THE-TRUE-STORY According to Basil Fitch

The con job by Gutwein Liberal Party , the Examiner, L.A.F.M and selected proponents of Utas started back before the federal election., double banger. 

To get Nikolic elected and also prop up Gutwein and Co. for state election 2018. 

In May 2015 Gutwein introduces ” MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING “{ M.O.U }signed by Utas ,Liberals , Launceston City Council and T.A F.E all in agreement to move Utas from Newnham to Inveresk. 

Then the secret deal was exposed Council had already sold 120 Unit site to Utas for $500,000 dollars and it was immediately placed by Council right behind flood levy .

Council also agreed to give free Willis Street Car Park returning $88,000 dollars per year and old Velodrome land for nothing to Utas. 

Council valuation $4.5 million dollars for both but never put on open market , I consider both to be worth between $10 and $20 million for both. 

A Group called L.C.C {Launceston Concerned Citizens } network took all parties to task , but neither Mayor , General Manager or Aldermen would hold a public meeting I asked 4 .times . 

We then issued a petition to the council with 1,500 signatures to council under section 57 Local Government Act , forcing council to hold a public meeting. 

The meeting voted unanimously for the council to rescind council decision , but they refused ,so much for Gutwein,s Local Government Act. 

The Examiner refused point blank to allow Launceston Concerned Citizens to make any press statements and editor would only allow comments in : letters to the editor : and they were scrutinized . .
All those proponents involved reminded me of the “Pulp Mill ” debacle , the only thing missing was Martin Gilmour who know doubt had plenty to say now he is the Premier,s C.E.O 

Launceston City Council passed this great con job on November the 9th November 2015 and still Utas has not yet put in a development application into council and there are no plans. 

The Examiner led the way before the Federal election and forced Shorten and Turnbull to finance this shonky deal for $150 million dollars. 

The York Park sponsorship was given to Utas by the General Manager { and naming rights University of Tasmania.} However will not release the financials {commercial in confidence}The Aldermen were not notified and when questioned the General Manager said he could make a decision with out getting council approval under section 62 of local government act .

Now you all should be aware why Huon , Glenorchy , and others are in such a mess City Managers have complete control not Mayors or Aldermen. 

C.H.Smith another Gutwein con job this is a real cracker Gutwein gives Council $9 million dollars loan interest fee Council to repay in 5 years time in full. 

Council behind scenes talks to Errol Stuart and Scott Curran developers . 

Stuart and Curran lease from owners C.H.Smith building with option to purchase.

Council will give Stuart and Curran $9 million dollars and they must build 300 car parks , when finished Stuart and Curran hand over car park and land to council. 

The land left over Stuart and Curran build a 500 staff office block . 

On A.B.C Leon Compton, a person rang in and said it was going to be used by public servants in the north in one area. .

Both the council and city manager? where will the repayment of $9 million come from , both have said money from generated from 300 car parks. 

300 cars $4 per day equals $1,200 dollars $9 million over 5 years equals $5,000 dollars shortfall $3,800 dollars per day. 

God help us have a happy Christmas Scratchrat 45 and Daphne-Bowen -Smyth 

Basil J. Fitch 
Former City Alderman